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Payment Methods

We have four methods with which you can pay the fees

1 – Accounts Office

You pick the fees payment slip at the Institute offices or at the bank counter then pay straight to the institute Account (Account Name: East Africa Institute of Learning Ltd. Account Number: 1035200770659). You may also pay to the Accounts office at the institute’s Head office and then you will be issued with a receipt. Please Take note of the Account Number to avoid any errors. If you stay far from the institute or you are upcountry then make use of these arrangements below;

2 – Equity Bank Account

Pay the fees to the Institute’s Equity Bank Account anywhere in Uganda or East Africa as follows; Account Name: East Africa Institute of Learning Ltd. Account Number: 1035200770659 You will be issued an acknowledgement receipt. Please keep it. As soon as the payment is done, inform the institute the following;

i) The amount paid

ii) The bank branch where you paid from

iii) Who deposited the money Email these details to: feespayment@eail.ac.ug

3 – Western Union/MoneyGram

Fees payments can also be made through Western Union and Money Gram to the institute Account Number. ( Quote the Account Name: East Africa Institute of Learning Ltd. Account Number: 1035200770659. Remember to pay the transfer charges!). Email these details below to; feespayment@eail.ac.ug

1. Amount sent

2. Quote the; Money Transfer Contact Number (MTCN)

3. Test question

4. Answer to the test question

4 – Mobile Money

If in Uganda and you are unable to use any of the above, email to feespayment@eail.ac.ug then you may be authorized to send Mobile Money only to this number: 0772586057 in the names; Emily Tuhirirwe. A payment receipt will be emailed to you within 24 hours.