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Business,Technical and Vocational Training (BTVET) an arm of the Ministry of Education

This Department under the Ministry of Education , Science , Technology and Sports has primary and residual responsibility for all business, technical and vocational education at all levels of the education system. The Department has three (3) Divisions namely

  • Business Education
  • Technical Education
  • Vocational Education

Directorate of Industrial Training ( DIT )

It  is a semi-autonomous body under the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES)

Other affiliations

  • Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIV)
  • High Scope Educational Research Foundation (Michigan)
  • Early Childhood Development Training Association Uganda (ECDTIA)
  • Uganda Small Scale Industries Association
  • Health Archives Records Group – UK
  • The Uganda reach the Aged Association
  • Malta Dementia Society – Malta
  • Gerontology & Geriatrics Association  – Uganda
  • Alzheimer and Dementia Elderly Care centre – Uganda