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Message From Principal

Dear present and prospective students and parents

Welcome to East Africa Institute of Learning.

Our vision is to provide affordable and demand driven courses at the learner’s convenience. We are committed to provide quality education yet affordable and friendly to each and every one’s pocket.

We would like to continue setting high expectations for our students as regards to academic performance within the class, distance or online environment.

I am asking each student to make a commitment of having East Africa Institute of Learning the best place to be by being active participants in their learning and acting responsibly as an individual within our learning environment. Doing so will enable everyone to have a successful and enjoyable study.

The core standards of integrity, service, excellence, accountability, responsibility, learning and community still remain the foundations of East Africa Institute of Learning.

Every student will receive a pass word to our e-learning environment to be used as a tool inside the classroom and at home for both those attending class and those studying online.

I am exited with the opportunity to work with you in providing a productive and learning environment that supports student success. Once again welcome to East Africa Institute of Learning.

I am honored to serve you.
